Friday, March 27, 2015


Do couples quarrel before wedding?
Pressure from both side of the family.
Is blaming each other family the only way out?

I haven been feeling very happy for a long time
It's like "u can't be with jerry before the wedding"
And den when shit happen like Malaysia relative needed a place to stay, "can u sleepover at jerry house tonight?"

I wonder if my mum hated me.
But what did I do to her? Or what I didn't do for her? Well ... I can always blame her for treating me like shit when I was young. How long can I blame her for. How long do I have with her?

Jerry hated my parents.
I hated his.

Where's love?
How long do we have to hate before we lose them all
And start to regret.

No matter how much I gossip bout my mum
I think I love her deep inside.